Understanding the flatMap Operator in Combine with SwiftUI


In Combine, the flatMap operator enables you to take each value emitted by a publisher and transform it into a new publisher. This is particularly useful when working with asynchronous data flows, where you might want to perform additional tasks (like making network requests) in response to each value received.

What is flatMap?

The flatMap operator transforms each value emitted by a publisher into a new publisher. Unlike map, which only changes the data type, flatMap enables you to create new, independent publishers for each incoming value, and then merge their results back into a single data stream. This is useful when you need to handle complex data flows, such as performing a new API call based on each incoming value or chaining multiple dependent requests.

For example, you might use flatMap to:

  • Trigger multiple asynchronous tasks based on incoming values.
  • Merge the results of these tasks into one output stream.
  • Dynamically generate and subscribe to new publishers based on each emitted value.

In this article, we’ll create a SwiftUI view that uses flatMap to simulate an API request for a user profile whenever a random user ID is generated.

Example SwiftUI View with flatMap

Below is a SwiftUI view that uses flatMap to simulate an asynchronous API request for user profile data based on a generated user ID. Each time a new ID is generated, flatMap creates a new publisher to fetch the user profile.

import SwiftUI
import Combine

struct FlatMapExampleView: View {
    // State variable to display user profile information
    @State private var profileInfo: String = "Press the button to load a profile"
    // PassthroughSubject to publish random user IDs
    private let userIDPublisher = PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>()
    // AnyCancellable to store the subscription
    @State private var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 20) {
            Text("FlatMap Operator Example")
            Text(profileInfo) // Display the fetched profile information
            Button("Load Random User Profile") {
                // Generate a random user ID and send it to userIDPublisher
                let randomUserID = Int.random(in: 1...100)
        .onAppear {
            // Use flatMap to transform each user ID into a simulated API call publisher
            cancellable = userIDPublisher
                .flatMap { userID in
                    fetchUserProfile(for: userID)
                .sink { profile in
                    profileInfo = profile
        .onDisappear {
            // Cancel the subscription when the view disappears
    // Simulated API call that returns a publisher with user profile data
    private func fetchUserProfile(for userID: Int) -> AnyPublisher<String, Never> {
        // Simulate a delay and create profile information based on the userID
        let profile = "User ID: \(userID)\nName: User \(userID)\nAge: \(20 + userID % 10)"
        return Just(profile)
            .delay(for: .seconds(1), scheduler: RunLoop.main)

struct FlatMapExampleView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

Explanation of the Code

  1. State Variable:
    • @State private var profileInfo: Holds the user profile information displayed in the view. It starts with a placeholder message and updates whenever a new user profile is fetched.
  2. PassthroughSubject:
    • private let userIDPublisher = PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>(): This publisher emits random user IDs when the button is pressed.
  3. Button to Trigger a New User ID:
    • The Load Random User Profile button generates a random user ID between 1 and 100 and sends it to userIDPublisher. This triggers the flatMap operator, which transforms the user ID into a new publisher that simulates an API call.
  4. The flatMap Operator:
    • Inside .onAppear, we use flatMap to convert each user ID emitted by userIDPublisher into a new publisher created by the fetchUserProfile(for:) function. flatMap subscribes to each new publisher and emits its results to the downstream subscriber.
    • Each time a new user ID is generated, flatMap ensures that a fresh user profile is fetched based on that ID, with the results merged back into a single stream.
  5. Simulated API Call with fetchUserProfile(for:):
    • The fetchUserProfile(for:) function simulates an asynchronous API request, returning a Just publisher that emits a user profile string after a 1-second delay. This delay simulates network latency and gives the impression of an actual network request.
    • The returned publisher is then transformed with .eraseToAnyPublisher() to make it compatible with flatMap.
  6. Cleaning Up the Subscription:
    • The .onDisappear modifier cancels the subscription when the view disappears, preventing memory leaks or unintended updates when the view is no longer on screen.

How flatMap Helps in SwiftUI

In this example, flatMap allows us to dynamically create new publishers for each user ID and merge their results. Each time a new user ID is generated, flatMap creates a unique publisher for fetching that user’s profile and merges it into a single stream. This makes flatMap ideal for managing asynchronous tasks triggered by changing input data.


The flatMap operator is one of Combine’s most powerful tools, enabling you to create dynamic, nested publishers based on incoming data. It’s especially useful in SwiftUI for managing complex data flows, such as network requests or other asynchronous tasks, where each emitted value might lead to a new task. With flatMap, you can create, manage, and merge multiple publishers seamlessly, making it easier to build responsive and data-driven SwiftUI apps.